Volcano Spew temporarily dormant?

Is the Weekly Volcano downsizing? Reorganizing? Shape-shifting? Dieting?

As I regularly browse the Volcano over coffee and breakfast, I hope for an as-close-to-full-strength-as-possible Weekly Volcano to continue entertaining me for the foreseeable future. I would like to start the unofficial “Keep the Volcano Active!” club, as of this writing.

There are other perspectives, however. A long-time contributor to feed>>tacoma, Dave L, has a great idea: “Maybe do the back Volcano-section upside down so either the Volcano or the Ranger is in front, depending on how you hold it.”

Not bad. I can live with this. The concept has conservation at its core. Nothing’s more sustainably hip than that.

Whatever it takes, I will be patient with them as they attempt to adapt to our changing economic environment. If you are a fan of keeping things local, you should be patient with them as well. It worries me to think of our local cultural reporting stream coming from a non-really-local group. Don’t let the Stranger or other outside organizations in on Tacoma’s arts & entertainment scene! I love the Stranger, but it belongs to Seattle. Tacoma needs a homegrown outlet.